People born on 7,16,25 dates of any month are said to have root number 7. Ketu is the planet associated with it. Some experts consider it Neptune's number other consider it to be number of the moon. People born under this number are originality, free thinkers and owners of unusual personality.
birth number 7 numerology
They have a very good social status in the society but they get irritated by very small things. They should overcome this nature. It is in their nature the ups and downs prevail, as the presence of Neptune and Moon cause tides in the sea ,the same way commotion in their nature and life prevail.
Education of birth number 7
They have interest in art and secret or hidden studies. They attain a good level of education,however they may face few obstacles in their primary education but it gets better off with time. These people are brainy, sagacious and have a very good memory.
They earn money on the base of their originality but tend to overspend it on religious causes. Saving is difficult for them so in all its said that they have a normal financial life.
Marital life
as per numerology Talking about their love life and married life these people don't have very stable relationships a reason for which could be their serious nature. They don't show off their love but are filled with love deep within. Their marital life is generally happy. Some females with number 7 do not like to get married.
Talking about their work number 7 people are very imaginative and expressive that is the reason why they tend to be successful as authors, poets and philosophers. Apart from these they are also seen to be working as doctors,teachers,judges,government officer,astrologers etc.
Their inclination towards mysterious and dark studies is due to their multi senses which is far beyond understanding of normal humans makes them capable of understanding such topic easily. These people could become good astrologers too.
They are said to be effected by mental illness. Apart from this weakness,digestive disorder, low or high blood pressure,skin problems, low vision etc all effect them. They have tendency to get angry quickly, their physical power is stronger then mental.
Lucky dates are 7,16,25
Lucky days are Sunday, Monday and Thursday
Lucky colors are light yellow and kafuri color are best.
They don't like to take advise from others and never leave their rights. This becomes the reason for their arguments with others. Financial gains are not much and savings too ks difficult for them. The problem with them is that can't take any decision firmly.
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